Popcorn sale starts this Saturday October 15th! The Troop hopes that all Scouts will sell popcorn this year -
it is a G R E A T way to earn money for Summer Camp and all the fun activities we do!
Here are some reminders for a successful sale -
A Scout is Clean...
Always wear your uniform when selling.
A Scout is Courteous...
Always be polite!
A Scout is Kind...
Always say Thank You even if they do not place an order.
A Scout is Cheerful...
Call your customer by name if you know them.
A Scout is Trustworthy...
Be honest and tell people how GREAT Trails End popcorn is!
A Scout is Helpful...
Always hold up the pictures of the products so your customers can see them.
A Scout is Friendly...
Always Smile!
A Scout is Loyal...
Never give up!
A Scout is Thrifty...
A Good Scout earns his way!
A Scout is Smart...
Never go out selling alone and never go into a strangers home!
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