Troop 108 with 60+ years of Scouting provides a great experience for youth age 11 - 18.
Lots of camping, instruction, and most of all FUN!
Meetings are Wednesdays 7-8:30pm at the Visitation Parish Annex.
Scout Master Larry Kula

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Popcorn Sales

Popcorn sale starts this Saturday October 15th! The Troop hopes that all Scouts will sell popcorn this year -
it is a G R E A T way to earn money for Summer Camp and all the fun activities we do!

Here are some reminders for a successful sale -

A Scout is Clean...
Always wear your uniform when selling.
A Scout is Courteous...
Always be polite!
A Scout is Kind...
Always say Thank You even if they do not place an order.
A Scout is Cheerful...
Call your customer by name if you know them.
A Scout is Trustworthy...
Be honest and tell people how GREAT Trails End popcorn is!
A Scout is Helpful...
Always hold up the pictures of the products so your customers can see them.
A Scout is Friendly...
Always Smile!
A Scout is Loyal...
Never give up!
A Scout is Thrifty...
A Good Scout earns his way!
A Scout is Smart...
Never go out selling alone and never go into a strangers home!

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